Kategorie: Webserver

Webserver Port 80 open or close

If you hold a website and use SSL/HTTPS with Certificates theres is often the question should i block Port 80? The most Admins think after the Major Changes of the Browsers to pull first HTTPS Port 443 they can close the HTTP Port 80. But you should NOT do it! Why? most Bots scan at […]

Script DNS Blocker DNSMASQ

If you tested pihole, you perhaps look for a smaller Command Line version? Install dnsmasq by: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq Here DNS Rule Injector Script (copy & paste): blocker.sh # www.linuxonlinehelp.com 2019 # DNS Blocker for Small Linux with dnsmasq # #!/bin/bash # goto tmp (tmpfs) cd /tmp/ # get URL-Blocklists wget -O blocklist.txt https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Kowabit.txt […]

WordPress Gutenberg Editor fails on modsecurity2

If you use modsecurity2 Plugin Filter on a Apache2 / Apache24 Setup then on my Blogs Gutenberg fails to SAVE Pages and Drafts. Workaround: Install the old but useful „Classic Editor Plugin“ and replace Gutenberg for all Users! Background: It seems the lastest stable mod_security2 Rules not modified for Gutenberg post urls!

Convert WordPress Blog into Static Websites

For some reasons you want to convert your WordPress with Linux Tools into a Static Website: low level Hosting no SQL + PHP for higher Security Then open a Terminal and enter into a Text Editor: nano wp2statis.sh: #!/bin/bash wget \ –recursive \ –no-clobber \ –page-requisites \ –html-extension \ –convert-links \ –restrict-file-names=windows $url-of-site exit 0 […]

Website Speed Test with Linux

If you own a Blog and want to check the Speed with your local Linux Computer use a commandline tool called curl. Open a Terminal and enter:   curl -o /dev/null -s -w 'Connect: %{time_connect}\nStart Transfer: %{time_starttransfer}\nTotal: %{time_total}\n' https://www.yourdomain.de System Echos: Connect: 0,084774 Start Transfer: 0,173280 Total: 0,228651 Advantage? You will see the Website Load […]

WordPress Speed Test Optimization

If you use WordPress and you want to get better results on search engines and  social media checkout: Load Speed at Google free Speed Analyser for Developer https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ Reduce and Control the Plugins Reduce and Control Images at Content and Image Sizes 50-100 kb Limits Use latest PHP Version if possible 7.3 Use cached MySQL […]

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