Schlagwort: hardening owncloud

Nextcloud Owncloud Opensource Risk’s

If you are current using Nextcloud / Owncloud or other PHP-Kits for File Handling you should know these remarks: Based on this Article You must know: Details of Security about your current used PHP Versions (7.X) Details of your used Database Version (MySQL..) Details of hardened OS and Webserver Version (Apache,Firewall,fail2ban,file policys, selinux, apparmor filter) […]

Owncloud: Howto harden owncloud access with a ssh tunnel and squid

If you want to use a private secure owncloud (WebDAV Space Server) as Backup for all your devices you can harden the access thru a openssh Login with key auth and a squid as relay. Install apache2, php5, mysql-Server, openssh, squid3 config Apache2 to listen on https://localhost:443 setup squid3  and config the Proxy to listen only on localhost:3128 […]

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