Kategorie: Debian

AMD64 Live CPU Setting Gnome CPU Speed Applet Speedstep

Problem: Nur root ist es erlaubt die AMD64 Live Taktung manuell von 1.0 zu 2.6Ghz mit dem CPU Gnome Applet zu steuern. Loesung: Konsole oeffnen sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector eingeben Problem: Only root is able to switch the CPU speed with the CPU Applet Solution: Open Console sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector

UUID lost after kernel update or update-grub command

Problem: Debian Etch-Lenny-Ubuntu-Servers do not reboot successful after dist-upgrade or kernel-update and stops with Error = „failed to find root file system…“ Backround: On Debian Etch/Lenny is the /boot/grub/menu.lst set to use old partition name like hda6 not the UUID system. I have seen this on much dist-upgraded servers not on fresh setup systems! A […]

xfce4 Lock Screen Button Taskbar

Problem: On Debian Etch is no Lock Screen Push Button available Setup xscreensaver with #$aptitude install xscreensaver Create a new Button on Taskbar insert at Commandline „xscreensaver-command -lock" configure your loved screensaver at "xscreensaver -demo" …ready to use..

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